Here's the latest example of my Rick Kaplan's work on C-SPAN watch this page:
• June 22, 2011 – 7:07 AM
Topic: When should U.S. engage in war?
Caller: Ron from Miami, Florida (anti-Israel repeat caller).
Caller: “Yes. Thank you. I have a problem with all these wars going on. We have to realize that we can't just keep going in and fighting these wars. We have to understand that Israel has a lot to do with it. If we solve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, we could solve the war on terrorism and that's really what it comes down to.”
NOTE: Previous guest by phone (from 7:02 to 7:05 AM), Frank Oliveri, Congressional Quarterly's defense and foreign policy reporter, discussed congressional deliberations regarding war policy, particularly as it relates to drawdown of American troops in Afghanistan. The broadcast's first caller, “Ron from Miami,” asserted that the cause of “these wars” is the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Every “Ron from Miami” call targets mainly or only Israel for blame – examples: May 7, 2011 (7:11 AM), March 27, 2011 (8:00 AM) and Jan. 28, 2011 (7:03 AM).
As usual for a number of Washington Journal callers like Ron, indulged by Journal hosts, mindlessly blaming Israel is accepted by C-SPAN. A competent host would have pointed out the obvious: the U.S. conflict with Afghanistan's Taliban and al Qaeda, America's military involvement in the turmoil in Libya, or the 2003 invasion of Iraq and continued troop presence there have had no direct connection to the Palestinian conflict with Israel. Neither would a resolution of that conflict have affected American involvement in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, prevented the 1980 - 1988 Iraq-Iran war, or blocked the upheavals that have shaken numerous Arab countries this year. But on C-SPAN's Washington Journal broadcasts, tolerance regularly is extended for chronic, biased attacks on only one nation – Israel.
In his explanation of why it is wrong for Americans to blame Israel for the masking at least Kaplan resorts to near-term is straight but not to the to the core of the issue. If in his remarks on January 23, 2011 stating his rationale for the limited troop drawdown from Afghanistan president Obama said that you American people were acting in accord with American values and that they sought to allow self determination to all people's to the people of Afghanistan and East. Jack is a critical phrase in his 14 points, Pres. Woodrow Wilson promised self-determination to the states of the former Ottoman Empire. When Wilson reneged on that promise and instead honored the terms of the Balfour declaration, the Arab states were outraged they were resentful. They felt abused and exploited. Coupled with the increasing colonized Asian of Palestine by European Jews, and of British occupying forces actions in displacing Arabs and getting between and and being forced to insert themselves between Arabs and Jews in numerous conflicts over territory and trading rights and commercial interest in Palestine Arabs seem recently came out on the short and of the equalization, and gradually came to understand that their situation was not going to get any better.
Resources in support of my assertion that the core of the problem started in with the Treaty of Versailles in settlement of World War I, and Woodrow Wilson's reneging on his promise to the Arab states of the Ottoman Empire, are supported by Prof. Salim Yacub, are supported by Etan Bloom and his dissertation on the work of Arthur Ruppin, and are supported by the pictoral histories presented by the blog Lawrence of Cyberia.
Gilad Atzmon Has Rightly Said That Quote Jews Do Not Do History." Israelis do not truthfully acknowledge the history of how Arabs were displaced and disregarded from the very beginning of Jewish colonization of Palestine, in the context of the first world war; between the first and second world wars, and ever since. There is no honesty in Jewish reflection on their own actions or on their impact on people of the East working D on the American people.
on June 23, 2011, Marcy captor, Democratic representative from Toledo, Ohio, was a guest on C-SPAN Washington Journal. Peter Slen was the moderator. A caller from New York City commented that the problems in the middle east would not be resolved until the Israel Palestine conflict was resolved; that was the problem precipitating all of the problems in the area. Marcy Kaptor agreed; she went on to say that the Israel Palestine conflict is the sword hanging over the entire region.
Without a doubt CAMERA and Myron Kaplan will have something to say about Marcy Kaptor's comment. But it was true. The sooner the Jewish people in the United States stop attempting to carve out special exception for their behavior, for their rights, for their entitlements, the better off they will be in the United States, the more friendly the American people will be toward Jewish people, and the more readily will the problems in the middle east be resolved. But 2000 years of Jewish history do not give reason to be optimistic that that change in thinking and ideology on the part of the Jewish people will come about any time soon.